Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tokyo, Food, and a New Laptop

A lot has happened since I last posted.
Firstly, my laptop died *insert crowd booing here*. I went almost 3 weeks without one before I finally started looking around. In the end I went to Akihabara (known for electronics) and found one in a side store. Who new laptops could actually be so fast and have every feature, including the volume, work? Ok, perhaps it was high time to get a new laptop anyway.

So, what have I been up too lately? Well, I'll start off with the Tokyo Museum I went to visit along with the other EAI students (other students in the same study abroad program). It was super interesting walking through the place and seeing ancient swords, kimonos...and well other ancient stuff. 
After that I rushed off with Kate to the Tokyo Game Show. Yup, you read right, the Tokyo Game Show. If you've never heard of it before, it's an event where all the video game software companies display ad show off their newest games which they will be releasing on the market soon. There weren't just Japanese games, but Fifa, World of Tanks, Halo and a whole bunch of others turned up (yes, my memory is so bad I don't really remember who else).

Anyway, throughout the event we got to play some of the newest games, get tones of free stuff (mostly posters and bags which advertised these said games) and saw a tone of people who cosplayed.
The same weekend I got to spend some time in Tokyo with some friends.
It was super fun as we hit all the tourist spots and then even stayed over night in Shibuya. Was it worth it? Yeah but...well lets just say that staying at an internet cafe place isn't the best idea if you want to get some sleep. Perhaps I'd better explain.
So there are certain places around Japan (mostly in the cities I think), where you can go for the night. You pay a sum (depending on how many hours you're staying) and then you get a small stall like room with either a chair or a mat. In that room you have a TV and computer and have access to watch unlimited anime. There is also a manga library downstairs where you can borrow pretty much nay manga that exists in Japan.
So what is the point of these paces? To go read and watch manga and anime to your heart's content. Why did we go? To sleep because it was a cheaper option. Let's just say that when other people go to the same place to hang out in groups and have a bast, you don't exactly get much sleep with all the noise.
After that adventure, the EAI students got to go to the Tokyo Sky Tree on the following weekend. Yup, going up the tallest tower in the world really is something. Only sad part is you aren't allowed to parachute off it (believe me, I wanted to try).
Being at the top also made me realize how large Tokyo really is. Honestly, I don't think I can ever go there alone or I would be lost in 2.3 seconds (yes that is a precise calculation). After eating some very yummy food, we headed off for a boat ride down a channel in Tokyo (yes, I don't know the nae once again). We got to see a whole bunch of the city from the water which was amazing.
Now that is a cool job...

 This weekend I popped into Tokyo with two friends to go listen to Francis Can speak. Who would have thought that I would come all the way to Japan only to bump into him? He gave a wonderful sermon, though we came a bit late and so barely found seats since the place was packed. Why were we late? Well, the place Francis was talking happened to be in Korea town. We decided we couldn't pass up the chance and paused at a restaurant to eat a Korean meal. How was it? It made me want to jump on a plane and fly to Korea right then and there! But I guess I'll save that for the future.
So...I guess I've pretty much caught you all up. Now I'll return to discovering new places and doing new things. Hopefully I'll update sooner next time.

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